Jan 14, 2022 | The Culture
he·ret·i·cal – Holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted. The Barbarians bar·bar·i·an 1. A member of a people considered by those of another nation or group to have a primitive civilization. 2. A fierce, brutal, or cruel person.American Heritage...
Sep 16, 2021 | Politics, The Culture
The nation state is under attack from the globalist crowd—the UN and all its affiliated arms, the Davos crowd, the richer-than-god poohbahs George Soros & Bill Gates. In short, the leftie crowd who thinks government is the answer to every question, and the...
Mar 10, 2021 | The Culture
After rereading Animal Farm last fall, I was shaken by the eerie similarities between the Pigs and the current Left. Much as I dreaded it, I knew then I had to reread 1984 to confirm my feelings weren’t getting the better of my reason in seeing the Left’s agenda as a...
Nov 10, 2020 | The Culture
Covid-19 abets our post-truth era The days inch by, turning into weeks, turning into months. We social distance in our homes, and governments—federal, provincial & municipal—issue prohibitions backed up by the scientific advice du jour. Their advice changes by...
Sep 11, 2020 | The Culture
The novels I resisted reading The Elementary Particles when its translation came out at the start of our new millennium. Les particules élémentaires by Michel Houellebeqc was published in 1998 to excited reviews by the chattering classes, most praising, a few...
May 15, 2020 | The Culture
I came late to the table of Clive James’ banquet of cultural insights, reading a review of his Cultural Amnesia in the summer of 2019 and then feasting on the book in early fall. It is indeed laden with rich food for thought, beginning with “Anna Akhmatova”, who James...